Charlotta Liukas
Charlotta is the woman behind Mehackit workshops. In addition to teaching creative technology courses, she has taught programming to women in Europe, Africa and Asia through the Finnish Rails Girls network.
Charlotta is the woman behind Mehackit workshops. In addition to teaching creative technology courses, she has taught programming to women in Europe, Africa and Asia through the Finnish Rails Girls network.
At Verke, Marcus works on training and video production, among other things. Marcus’s skills include social media services and the technical side of digital youth work. He is also easily excited about all things new and wonderful.
Heikki holds the title of “Master of the Big Picture” at Youth Mental Health Association Yeesi. Heikki is a theologian and a data geek, who has worked with young people both face-to-face and online. Ethics, social media and YouTubing are especially close to his heart.
The writer owns and operates the 3D printing café 3D Crush Café. In addition to entrepreneurship, he and his wife provide foster homes for cats and dogs through animal protection association PESU (Pirkanmaan Eläinsuojeluyhdistys), offering them food and shelter until they are placed in homes permanently. Sammeli is an eternal dreamer, developer, designer and maker, as well as a Majava (beaver).
Miinan työjuuret ovat puolestaan vahvasti nuorisotyössä ja nuorten tieto- ja neuvontatyössä, mutta tällä hetkellä hän toimii kehittämisasiantuntijana Savon koulutuskuntayhtymässä keskittyen erityisesti tekoälyn ja chatbottien hyödyntämiseen eri toimintaprosesseissa. Lähtökohtana työssä on käyttäjien kuuleminen ja osallisuus kehittämisprosessissa.
I work on training at Verke. I like cats, music (especially doom and industrial metal), the Moomin, fairies and 80s My Little Ponies, of course.
Remote Scout Camp Bits admin.