Woan smiling and lookin something in a cafe table.

Milla Porkka

I have worked as a Po1nt coordinator since early 2020. Previously, I worked as a project planner for the Po1nt on Chat project for two years, meaning that I was intimately familiar with Po1nt even before starting my job as coordinator. In addition to this, I have worked on projects in youth services in Lapinlahti, as a summer job activities planner for the City of Iisalmi youth services, as a special needs assistant, a kindergarten teacher and everything in between, from tending bar to working on peat bogs. I am easily excited and I never hesitate to try new things, I jump at the chance to experiment.

Milla Porkka

Authors blog posts

  • MidJourneylla tuotettu maisemakuva

    What is AI-generated art?

    Panu Räsänen | 13. September 2022

    What is AI-generated art, and what are the implications and potential uses in the youth field? Hop along to explore the phenomena with us.

  • Tummanpuhuva kuva tietokoneen ruudusta jossa tietokonepeli auki.

    Youth workers create a better gaming culture through gaming education

    Sonja Ahtiainen Riikka Lehtinen | 11. January 2021

    The Non-toxic – non-discriminating gaming culture project published a report in November 2020 on the game education competence of guardians and youth work...

  • Setting up camp online – SomeCamp 2020

    Pasi Tuominen | 11. December 2020

    SomeCamp 2020 focused on Methodological development of Digital youth work. It was also the first online Somecamp event. How did we make it happen?