Innobox is a toolkit that helps youth workers innovate new practice in a longer process.
The purpose of Innobox is to provide support and assistance when it becomes necessary to develop youth work practice and create something new. You may find the material useful when you want to:
● revamp clubs, camps or small group activities;
● create new operating models for using digital games;
● modernise the internal communications in the working community;
● modernise customer communications;
● develop operations intended for young people;
● make preparations for future digital developments;
● do something good for the world;
● obtain new ideas to form the basis of strategy work.
The tasks in this box will enable you to develop new operating methods, procedures or services for youth work. As this is a Verke box, the ideas primarily focus on digitality or related matters. The Innobox can be used alone, in a group or even with the entire working community. The most important thing is the desire to do youth work better.
The purpose of this Innobox is to help you analyse and identify the challenge that you want to address. The challenge will be examined from several perspectives, and, as the process moves forward, it may even change. However, the outcome is a finished concept.
Some of the task cards state whether they are intended to be completed alone or in a group. You will need to set aside time to work on the Innobox, ranging from one day to several days. Innobox is not intended to be completed in one go; it is advisable to take breaks between tasks to allow thoughts and ideas to mature. In addition, external help may be needed for some of the tasks, so these will naturally take longer to complete. In addition to time and enthusiasm, you will need an internet connection. Everything else you need is in the box.
The idea for the Verke Innobox came to life at a seminar where Adobe presented its own innovation box, the Kickbox. However, this was not directly applicable to Finnish youth work, so we decided to develop our own version. We hope as many people as possible working with young people will adopt this Innobox as a tool. The Innobox enables new things to be developed or old ones to be improved. So take up the challenge and create something new – perhaps something amazing!
The printed, physical run of Innobox in English is out of print, but you can access all the online materials below. We have also provided access to all the design files on GitHub.
- Innobox cards
- Exercise book
- Canvas
- WOW, combination and impact exercise
- Scale
- Lotus
- Evaluation
- Sitra’s Megatrend cards
- InDesign files (Github)
The Innobox has been published under the Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 4.0 International licence. This means that you can freely modify and republish this material (including for commercial purposes). You must include this same licence in your work and you must mention Verke as the original author of the work.