Woan smiling and lookin something in a cafe table.

Sanna Lappalainen

Sanna (MA in education, study advisor) worked as a project manager in the ‘Youth with special needs and supporting participation in multidisciplinary environments in digital era’ project (#ERNOD). The ERNOD project promoted equality among young people by developing digital learning practices and media education methods, improving information availability and training the operators working with young people. Further information on the project: www.xamk.fi/ernod Sanna is a fan of libraries and has made mixing formal, informal and non-formal learning in libraries her mission.

Sanna Lappalainen

Authors blog posts

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    What is AI-generated art?

    Panu Räsänen | 13. September 2022

    What is AI-generated art, and what are the implications and potential uses in the youth field? Hop along to explore the phenomena with us.

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    Youth workers create a better gaming culture through gaming education

    Sonja Ahtiainen Riikka Lehtinen | 11. January 2021

    The Non-toxic – non-discriminating gaming culture project published a report in November 2020 on the game education competence of guardians and youth work...

  • Setting up camp online – SomeCamp 2020

    Pasi Tuominen | 11. December 2020

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